Monday, October 25, 2010

Getting there

Well, the first step to winning the lotto is to buy a lotto ticket.

And the first step to winning the world championships is going to the world cups. With that being said - I'm going to Melbourne for the first round and get to experience what international competition will be like.

here we go!!!!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Despite the screaming leg synodrome I'm having right now, the past week has been several steps in the right direction. Actually, more like quantum leaps. This world cup contender has been something I've always strived for and have had tucked away in may back pocket, yet always there. Little did i know that this year would be the time to whip out that deck of cards and make my dreams become a reality. It's actually happening. I'm making it happen through all of my hard work, dedication, determination and will. How cool is that?

Monday, October 11, 2010

Don't worry - I haven't forgotten! I've just been busy taking steps to get that much closer. Last week was a wonderful realization that I can make my dreams come true. And that hard work and dedication can pay off huge dividends. This week I get to continue working toward my dream and making my world champion become a reality.

Dare to dream.