Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Must not lose sight of my goals - even if distraction lurks and optimism is squashed.....

Keep on keeping on! I love trainer rides indoors when it's pouring outside. Love them love them love them!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

To provide inspiration: Jennie, Sarah, Seabiscuit

To relax: Mountains, ocean, summits, breathing

To reduce stress: breathing, cooking, mountains

To feel good: massage, laughter, sun

To heal: warmth, peaceful spots

To create positive feelings about yourself and your performance: winning cat 3 omnium, talking with Kym.

To dream big dreams: World Cups and world champion.

To see your goals: Each workout gets me that much closer.

To refine skills: seeing the times come down and technique perfected.

To improve relationships: letting those I love know it by voice and actions.

To act and react in helpful ways: helping those in need.

To strengthen your confidence: believing in yourself and knowing anything is possible.

To open the door to higher levels of excellence: continuing my steps toward being a better athlete.

To keep the joyfulness in your life: balance, bikes, laughter.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

This morning I held one side of a wishbone with Chris. Right before pulling it apart, we made a wish. Guess what came to my mind easily? Yep. And guess what? I got the bigger portion of the wishbone so you know it's going to come true. Ha!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Some days it feels like an impossible, improbable proposition. But each day I work that much closer to achieving my goal. It's not going to be easy, that's for sure. Especially when life wants to sway my direction... and making those choices is never easy. But I will get there - and have to hold fast to my desire and dedication.

Friday, August 20, 2010

A training day closer...

Yesterday was a good one. A hard one, but a good one nonetheless. Pushing those pedals through quick sand and laboring through, driving through the pain and lactic filled legs. Wow. I'm getting that much closer.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Each practice and experience provides another opportunity to strengthen your weaknesses and sharpen your strengths. Yesterday I got to work on the harder part - the weakness. And although it's humbling and difficult - each pedal stroke is one revolution closer to my goal. We were FLYING yesterday. I'm learning to detach any emotion or thinking to those hard efforts - and just letting the body take over. When the mind and body preform as one - amazing things happen. Let go of any self doubt or worries and just be. And yes, cruising at 34.5 mph will get you there too.

Friday, August 13, 2010

World Champ, World Champ World Champ....

Yesterday had a nice break through. In our 3x 500m sessions, I was able to complete the last one stronger than the first ones. I'm building my lactate threshold and the interval sessions with Jennie are working! Pretty stoked about this.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Even when i didn't feel like getting my body to move today, I did it anyway. Because I have a big goal in front of me - and I felt better after I got the blood going anyway. A champion is made a day at a time!

Monday, August 9, 2010

I spoke with Colin this weekend at a local club team race. We discussed the notion of what kind of mentality he has in prepping for races at the track, as well as what he's used in the past for swimming.

- detached emotion. Just be in the moment, let your body do what comes natural. This is specific to training, competition, performance, etc. Ignore hyping your self up, wigging out, external or internal pressures, etc. Everything else is white noise.

- predetermined actions. thinking about exactly how it will go, and it will be. All of your training up until that point has been done, homework completed - now it's go time. So you just go.

And I just came to the realization - that if you can let go of the ego and put aside any notions that a performance, a training run, a result, etc defines who you are. Instead you just do something for the love of it, the passion of it, the feel of it - then a true harmony will exist. Between mind and body and the ability to move both at the same time.

Friday, August 6, 2010

"The important part in achieving, or even coming close to what you dream of doing, is a retention of purpose. Every day you're going to have a choice to go a little bit closer to where you want to get, every single day. And then there will be some break points in your life where you really fundamentally choose whether you're going to head that direction or not. And if you don't make that choice, if you don't change direction you will end up where you're headed. Guaranteed. So you need to fundamentally choose which direction you want to go and start headed that way and maybe you'll get to where you want to go."
One step, one workout closer.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

A new day, a new way to get that much closer to my dreams. Just by having those dreams, I feel like I'm in a dream. Pursuing it with such passion and enjoying every moment.

I love the challenges this brings, the humble pie that comes with it, the successes, the lessons it brings and the commitment it takes.

And I am fortunate to be training with a World Champion and picking up on her cues on how to get there. Pretty stoked about it.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The steps...

Every day is a new opportunity to get that much closer to becoming a world champion. The things we do today can directly affect what we do tomorrow and years from now. Are you doing everything within your capacity to make those right decisions? Are you training right? Eating right? Recovering and resting right? Eliminating unnecessary stress? Staying true to yourself and your dreams?

Mindful actions speak wonders in reaching this goal. I am not only preparing my body for the physical challenges, but also sharpening the mind to get closer to where I want to be. I read books, I think about my goals, I work on the mental aspect of training at my full potential so that I may perform at my potential. I visualize scenarios in my head multiple times a day of success, which in turn gets me that much closer to realizing my hopes and aspirations. And above all, I maintain a positive, can do attitude that reflects in my everyday life and passions.

Monday, August 2, 2010

I have visions of performing well on the world cup circuit. I imagine and believe in myself in having the strength and ability to get there. It puts a smile on my face thinking about getting there and I am enjoying the journey throughout.